5 Reasons Why .icu Is The Perfect Domain For Creatives

Are you in the creative industry and looking to set up a website to showcase your skills? Wondering which domain extension is best for your creative business? In 2019, classic domain extensions are often saturated and searching for a name can be tedious and take forever. These traditional extensions are no longer your only option!

Whether you’re building a website for your personal brand, a new creative business idea or a site to monetize your creative talent, there are loads of new domain extensions for you to choose from.

One of the options is a .icu domain. Currently, .icu is one of the top 10 largest new domains globally, and we believe it is an ideal choice for people in the creative industry. Here’s why:

1. .icu domain offers more freedom and individuality

Have you ever tried searching for a domain, only to find that all variations of your personal name or dream business name are taken?

It is common that .com addresses are no longer available, limiting your options. By choosing .icu, you have more freedom and choice, with loads of premium names still available. As a creative in the process of building an online presence for yourself and establishing your personal brand, the value really is in your name, and you need a domain that supports that.

As a creative, your individuality is part of what makes you sellable. Having social media channels for your work is excellent, but when you have a matching domain, you immediately become more credible. By creating symmetry between your social channels and your website, all under the exact name that you want, you can truly showcase your work without your audience getting confused.

Plus, a customized domain name and website will also make you more discoverable as Google prioritizes sites over social profiles in search results. It is effortless to set up; all you’ll have to do is register a domain name and build or have someone create your website!

2. Think outside of the box with .icu

Regardless of the name you choose to the left of the dot, by using .icu as your domain extension, you’ll be cementing your brand as a creative one. Branding is essential in the online world and in the creative industry.

We see .icu as a stamp for the free, for the creators and for the innovators. When we see .icu, we see forward-thinking businesses and individuals who have stepped out of the traditional box and chosen a sleek, modern domain extension. By selecting a .icu domain, you’re adding this stamp of creativity to your domain and brand too.

3. .icu boasts a network of trailblazers

When you register a .icu domain name, you become part of a universal network of creatives, entrepreneurs and credible brands. We have a vast network of over of existing .icu sites that you will be joining – and it’s growing fast! Like you, these artistic individuals and creative business owners have taken the leap and decided to go out on their own, creating their own websites for their brands.

4. .icu is about you

.icu is shorthand for I SEE YOU. This is our bedrock, the reason we started this in the first place. To give awe-inspiring individuals the opportunity to present who they are to the world.

How do we achieve this?

Our three distinct letters give users the flexibility to choose the best name to the left of the dot. Three letter domain extensions are understood by consumers, easy to identify, and simple enough to remember. Giving the user the right to their name.

5. .icu is universal and limitless

Unlike certain geographical domain extensions, .icu is universal and globally relevant. In today’s digital era, your brand or business may be dealing with people from all over the world. You want to make sure your domain name supports this type of international virtual collaboration and work.

Unlike some other more specific domains made for individual creative professions such as art or photography, the .icu domain is not limiting and can be used by various types of creative professionals.

If you’re a creative looking to register a domain name that perfectly represents what you do, then .icu is a great option. Still unsure? Take a look at all the other creatives who have registered with us and check out their live sites.