How to Choose A Domain Name for Your Personal Website?

Your personal website is about making a lasting first impression.

As you will have experienced many a time, people tend to ask whether you have a website and where they can find you online.

Whether you are hunting for new work or starting a new side project, most people will verify your offering by searching for your name online; deciding on your credibility by checking out your online presence.

Having ultimate control over what information you would like them to see is super important when it comes to shaping their perception of you. Having your own website means you govern this.

The more comprehensive and creative your site is, the more of an impact you’ll make with those looking to hire your services or purchase your product.

Additionally, if you set up your site correctly, you will reach more people in your target audience which means more connections and opportunities.

We’ll get into how to choose a domain name for your personal website in a bit, but first, let’s delve a little deeper into how having your own website will benefit you.

It’s the ultimate portfolio

In the digital age, people are more visual than ever, so the more you can show them what you do, the better.

Treating your website as your portfolio will help with building your personal brand and ultimately getting more business.

With your personal website, you can showcase exactly what sets your work apart from your peers and competitors.

This is particularly crucial for designers, artists, and those that work in the digital industry. A great website will give your prospective clients a sense of who you are, what you’re capable of and whether you are the one they should hire to execute their project.

By featuring some samples of your work, whether that be sites you’ve built, blogs you’ve written, galleries you’ve featured in, anything, your personal website is a digital portfolio of your online work and identity.

Your brand and work will always evolve.  The beauty of showcasing this on your own personal website is that it can easily be updated and reshaped as you grow.

Your creativity shines through

With your very own personal website, you’ll be able to customize it completely. This includes everything from background photos and videos to fonts for the copywriting displayed.

Unlike social networking platforms such as Facebook and Instagram where you need to abide by their default layouts, your creativity will shine through which is a showcase of your flare and personality.

This gives the people looking for you a visual representation of who you are. It should be centered on your positive attributes, illustrating your experience and emphasizing your strengths.

You’re always available

With the internet allowing for international business, it’s imperative you’re always available.

By having your own website, anyone, from anywhere in the world can view your services and portfolio at any time of the day. This means that “business hours” won’t have any effect on you getting work or not.

It is always available to existing and potential clients – a 24hr platform that displays your credentials, client testimonials and expertise.  Exciting times!

Now, let’s look at how you should go about choosing a domain name for your personal website.

Choosing a domain name for your personal website

Now that you understand the importance of having a personal website, let’s look at the three things to remember when choosing your domain name.

1. Don’t settle – Use your very own name

When creating your personal website, you should be able to use the name of your choice – preferably your own. The website is all about you and you should be able to register the exact name that you want.

The problem with domain extensions such as .com, .org, or any other major extensions is that the likeliness of your desired domain already being taken is quite high.

Most of them have been around since before the turn of the millennium so unless you have a super unique name, we recommend using a new, but reliable domain extension.

2. The shorter the better

Even though you’re technically allowed to use up to 64 characters in your domain name, we suggest you don’t. Nobody has time for that – especially in a world where the average human scrolls through 100 meters of social media a day.

We’re all processing a lot of information every day and so your domain name should be short so that it’s easier to read and easier to remember.

3. Choose an appropriate domain extension  

There are many domain extensions available, over 400 now to be precise. You need to choose one that is synonymous with your field and industry.

Like .org is closely associated with non-profits and .com with corporations, .icu is associated with creatives – people who are pushing boundaries.

There’s also a huge chance that you will be able to register the exact name that you want, which is the first step towards creating your personal brand. Why not choose a domain extension that is relevant to what you do and what you’re striving to be?

A personal website is vital for getting more business and building your own professional brand. With .icu, the possibilities are infinite.